Over the last fifty years, older industrial cities throughout the Northeastern and Midwestern United States have experienced dramatic economic decline and outward migration. To counter this narrative of decline and ...
Throughout many parts of the Northeastern, Southeastern and Midwestern United States a rise in the population of white-tailed deer has lead to a diverse set of impacts on the landscape. ...
In an effort to improve the sustainability of their farms, some farmers have begun looking toward on farm renewable energy to increase their farms profitability while improving their environmental impact.
For people throughout rural Mozambique, food insecurity is a major concern. To help address the combined issues of food security, economic development and resource conservation, the Government of Mozambique created the Primieras e Segundas Environmental Protection Area...
Facing an unprecedented threat from global climate change farmers throughout New York State are adopting innovative solutions to help mitigate the risks of extreme weather and increasing climate variability.
Community Based Sustainable Development in Intag Ecuador
Many residents in eastern Zambia’s Luangwa Valley struggle with poverty and food insecurity. These challenges have lead some residents to engage in unsustainable hunting practices and poaching. Through a market ...
Medicinal plants are integral components of health care systems throughout the world. The use of medicinal plants requires sophisticated knowledge about their use and conservation. This case study focuses on ...
What does religion have to do with environmental conservation? A lot, some people say. Organizations like Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) are working to bring together groups of conservationists ...
Indigenous peoples living in high Arctic environments have developed sophisticated ecological and social relationships with the animals, plants, and inanimate objects that define their complex and dynamic habitat. These relations ...
In 1998, China witnessed one of the largest floods in history along the Yangtze River; 14,000,000 people were displaced, 25,000,000 hectares of agricultural lands were lost, and thousands of people ...
Balancing the needs for agriculture and threatened wildlife is a complex issue that many rural communities now face. Conservationists and farmers have often found themselves at opposite sides of a ...